Friday, July 1, 2011

The Blog About Blogging

I had a few diaries when I was younger, which I never kept up with, because it seemed a smidge pointless. And I've had a blog before, with which I bored the world to tears with the details of my not-so-interesting life. I had written myself off as a non-blogger, non-diary keeper, non-writer. Until Facebook. I found that I had a lot more to say than what a status update would allow, and also I've had lots of feedback saying that people love reading my posts, even if they don't comment on them. Friends of my parents were actually bringing my apparent Facebook awesomeness up in casual conversation with them. Yes, I know that sounds big-headed. lol Whatever. And so was born my "Age of Blogging" ...which I'm currently in, and as of yet I'm not sure if this is a golden age or a dark age!

Blogging advantages:
I can dump! All the thoughts running around in my brain can be examined individually, given proper notice, and dumped out onto the screen. I find that getting some of the gunk out of my head makes for a more relaxed, happier me.
I need not impose on anyone to actually listen to me babble. It's GREAT when people do chose to, but there's no one standing in front of me wishing I'd shut up so they can excuse themselves to go do something more interesting. I am not a talker in 'real life', partly because of this, but just cuz I don't talk much doesn't mean nothing's going on upstairs, I just don't like to trouble the world with my random thoughts.
Editing! I can go back over what I've said and add or delete things, or clarify before I post. Fantabulous, as I often find myself wishing after a live conversation that I'd said this or that, or thought of something faster.

Blogging disadvantages:
I'm too worried about what someone reading will be thinking. Is it boring? Is it too long? Is it confusing? Is it stupid? Will anyone comment on it? It's like a constant search for approval....but why do I need someone to approve my thoughts? Does it make it more relaxing or more beneficial if I know for sure people are reading and appreciating? ...I don't even know the answer to that. I guess it makes it more rewarding. Probably it's just a universally human thing, all of us searching for approval and praise from others. Like when you buy a new outfit that you love, but it makes it much better if everyone else thing it's great too, and if they don't it's disappointing.

Must stop & post now since husband wants computer.


  1. I too love the same benefits of blogging...haven't written lately...possibly happy? haha I'm sure I will resurface with something to say...and I can feel PMS coming on which is when I get in the mood to write and also find that I come up with some descent things to write about!

  2. well then I guess I'm looking forward to your PMS! lol
