Thursday, July 28, 2011

Dinner annoyance

My husband and housemate think it's the worst thing ever if they have to eat a meal without meat.  I don't understand this, and I think it's very frustrating.  I like meat, but there are also plenty of great things that don't involve meat. Our housemate also has a really really REALLY long list of things he doesn't like.  Crazy annoying.  Jessy only refuses to eat 2 things: fish & beans.  That's not that bad.  Arron's list is more like 50 things.  I will eat practically anything you'd come across in a normal American kitchen.  Some things I'm not crazy about, but I will eat them.  My avoidance list: raw onion, bell pepper, any cooked fruit except apples, kale. I think that's about it. 

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