Tuesday, July 5, 2011

food & teeth

Well. No clue what to talk about. Can't wait for the 3rd book in my tiger series now. It's not out till November. Could be worse.
Arron's car broke down today. I guess he got it running again but he says it's probably only temporarily fixed. *shrug*
Getting tired of coming up with meal ideas on a shoe-string budget and cooking every night. I wanna go to the store and buy whatever I want and get pizza and Burger King when I don't feel like cooking. Made some pretty good gravy tonight though. Considering it came from bouillon cubes. mashed taters and gravy is the best!
Bought some fluoride mouth wash cuz my teeth have been really sensitive the past few days. My dentist said my enamel is kinda thin and fluoride would help, like Sensodyne (sp?) toothpaste. & it does, but I've had lots of sour candy lately. Not good for enamel. Still cavity free though! Haven't had one since I was a kid, and luckily it was in a baby tooth, so now I have no fillings or anything. Except my front tooth, where half of it's fake...but that's not cuz I didn't take care of my teeth, it's cuz I fell on my face on a bathroom tile floor when I was visiting a college. I think I have good teeth cuz I drink water instead of pop or tea or ..whatever, I hardly ever drink sugary things, and the water is tap water with fluoride in it. I guess fluoride is controversial now, people say it slowly rots your guts or something. I dunno. From what I understand it's not too much worse than anything else, and my mom is always telling me that there's a HUGE difference in people's teeth since fluoride was put in tap water. My mom's a pretty smart lady, so i think I will trust in fluoride. Maybe my teeth have to do with nutrition and/or genetics too though. My nails are always really strong too, and they say the strength of your nails is an indicator of the strength of your bones. All related.
Gross section to follow:
I drove by a cat today that had just been hit by a car and wasn't dead yet, even though it obviously didn't have much longer. Rrrreeaaaallllllyyy disturbing. I won't describe it. The thought crossed my mind that maybe I should try to run over it myself to put it out of its misery, cuz it was really thrashing around in pain. But I definitely don't have the nerve for that. I almost puke when I have to kill a spider. A cat? No way. And what if I just hurt it worse but didn't kill it? That would be terrible.


  1. We used to do Fluoride rinses in elementary school (and we all survived!).

  2. Do you remember having little pink tablets that dyed the plaque on your teeth pink so you could see where it was hiding out? I thought those were fun! & we had orange flavored mouth wash too. yummy.

  3. Act Anticavity Kids ALCOHOL FREE Fluoride Rinse. (it says on the label) First ingredient on the list: BENZYL ALCOHOL. .....Did I miss something???
