Sunday, July 17, 2011

Man v. Refrigerator

Scientists say that if a baby cannot see something, they think it doesn't exist.  If mom is holding the baby and he/she can see, hear, and feel her, she's there.  If she steps away out of baby's line of sight, she's dropped off the face of the earth suddenly. 

Men are like this with refrigerators.  If it's not front and center on the top shelf in a giant see-through container, it doesn't exist and therefore there is no use digging for it.  No way could it possibly be behind the milk jug, or on the second shelf behind the leftover rice. There's nothing behind that milk jug except the back of the fridge, and behind the bread there's actually a big black hole, down which whatever he was looking for has probably been sucked, never to be seen again. 

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