Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cake, colors, cake, and the beach. And more cake.

Made coq au vin with my extra nasty wine. Sort of. Didn't have mushrooms, or bacon, or pearl onions, so I used regular onion and added carrots. Baked a cake at the same time, too, so I hope the cake doesn't taste like onions and wine!
I was thinking of all kinds of stuff to write here all day, and I was like, I'm gonna have to leave some of this stuff out or it'll be the longest blog ever. Aaaaand now I can't think of ANY of what I was gonna say. Except maybe this whole "what do I want to do with my life" thing...which I really don't feel like tackling now. I'd rather just eat cake. We got the new 2012 Wilton yearbook in today (cake decorating book). The cover is ridiculously cute and I want to make that cake! Except it's all tiers and fondant and blah blah... I don't do that. I don't even like fondant. I don't know why anybody would want it on their cake. Yeah, it looks gorgeous, but it tastes like crap. Why would you want to put something nasty on top of one of the best foods ever invented? Seriously though, look at this thing: mmmmm.... can't get the pic to show down here, it's at the top. Now everyone will be confused that there's a pic of a cake and then I'm talking about chicken first. *shrug*
Things I should know and don't:
The correct order of all the Jurassic, Paleolithic, Triassic, ...I don't even remember any more than that, let alone where they go.
How to spell restaurant. Thank goodness for spell check. Why is this word so hard for me?
The 9's of the multiplication table. Jessy's told me a trick to it a billion times, but I never remember.
The U.S. presidents.
Lots of other stuff.

Why is Funfetti cake so much better than other cake? (apparently fixated on cake) It's just little colored sprinkles in the batter. I love colors though. Which is why I like knitting. That and the idea that I can take a single string and somehow loop it until it's a piece of fabric....crazy. Anyway, it's weird how visually oriented I am. I'm twice as likely to buy something if it's a color I like. I'll pick something curvy over something angular every time. When I add in my head, I make little dots in my mind, in the shapes that the symbols are in on playing cards. Or at least I think they are. Maybe it's more like domino dots. I dunno. I don't play cards often. Hopefully you get the point though. I see the numbers in shapes... or arrangements of dots... whatever.
I don't quite understand the appeal of the beach. If somebody said to me, "Hey, let's go to the beach on your weekend off and I'll pay for everything," I'd be like, "Well heck yeah!!!" But if I was gonna plan and fund a vacation myself, that's the last place I'd probably go. Scary powerful water that's all murky with fish and weird stuff swimming in it.. yuck. Sometimes the waves are hard to deal with. Sand gets in EVERYthing. The salt water makes my skin feel weird and itch sometimes. And there are screaming children everywhere, running around, throwing balls and frisbees and stuff. I'm not a big fan of children. For reasons I will probably discuss in a later blog. So. What's the appeal? Getting sunburned whilst wearing a piece of spandex/lycra in front of complete strangers while their children leave no moment silent. I'd rather go to a city and swim in the hotel pool after seeing some museums and shopping. Or maybe go hiking. Or visit a cave. Or go to DisneyWorld, or a zoo, or aquarium, or ...oooh, actually I'd go to the ocean if I could go on a boat! I like boats.
Ok, this is getting too long for one post. Nobody will read it all!


  1. I love the beach, but I hate the sand... I hate, hate, HATE sand. It gets into every crevice!

  2. yeah. It's kinda fun to play with, but like 2 pounds of it goes home with you on your towel/blanket and on your body. yech.

  3. Just for the your entire blog. lol Also I am exactly with Always sentiments about the beach exactly. I haven't written in this makes the 2nd day in a row...I feel like I have writers block...or maybe nothing interesting to discuss at the moment...idk lol

  4. I do love the beach but ideally there should be nobody else there, children or anybody but a close friend. I love watching and hearing the sea, it is so relaxing. I do like the feel of sand especially when it is hot.

    What is Funfetti cake by the way?

  5. Funfetti is a boxed cake mix from Pilsbury. It's just a regular cake except it has colored sprinkles in it that melt while the cake cooks and they leave little rainbow specks in it. I'm a sucker for a rainbow.
