Friday, July 29, 2011

Thinking about thinking

Does everyone think about things all the time like I do?  Is this unusual?  Do other people have moments when there are actually no thoughts going through their heads at all?  I know people who I would wager, judging from outside appearances, don't think about anything that is not absolutely necessary.  When they need to start dinner or pick up the kids, yeah.  Philosophy and how things work?  Probably not.  Is this a false impression?  Are they maybe thinking about this stuff, but they just don't discuss it?  Mean and judgmental as it is, I seriously seriously think some people just do live like that.  I can't imagine.  Is this why people gossip and keep talking on and on about the weather and their doctors and medical issues?  They just don't think about other things?  Do they just accept everything at face value?  I accept nothing.  Completely nothing.  Everything is open to interpretation, to quandary, to being disproved, to being improved.  I'd say most of my heavy thinking happens early in the morning, while I'm showering, getting ready, driving to work.  And sometimes on the drive home.  These are the times when I'm not occupied with doing things, when my mind can disconnect from what I'm doing and go wandering.  This is when I come up with my own stuff.  My mind does go nuts at other times too, but more often because I have been presented with an idea, or something that led to an idea.  A movie, tv show, something somebody said.  So I know I'm not alone in thinking about everything all the time; other people do this to.  But I don't seem to run into these people that often.  Is this because of the area that I live in?  Or because I work in retail with a general population of coworkers who are not college educated?  Not that a college education is a pre-requisite to being a pondering type of person, and not that I think the girls I work with are stupid or anything.  Am I just not social enough to get close enough to people so that they get into these kinds of discussions even if they are thinking things?  Must you be a person with lots of leisure time to ponder things?  If you are super productive, over worked, whatever, does that make you less likely to, or without the luxury of having time to think about things?  Is it a conditioning thing, like you have to be raised this way, constantly exercising your mind?  Is it an actual physical thing that some people are literally born incapable of?  Do some people consider this a waste of time?  I.e., things are what they are, stop wasting your time sitting around thinking about things and just live your life.

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