Saturday, July 2, 2011

Satellites, cars, muffins

Wasted some time today messing around with Google Maps satellite imaging. Kinda fun actually. Jessy showed me his mom's house, and tried to show me where they used to live in Hawaii but couldn't find it. Then we looked at downtown NYC, and the Grand Canyon, and the Mariana Trench and Mt. Rushmore... neither of which I thought was that exciting, but Jessy wanted to see them. Then I showed him where my grandparents lived and promptly started to cry over it once I found it. I knew better than to look at that house. But I never listen to myself.
Hoping to make muffins later today, but it's a big process cuz the dough has yeast in it, so it takes forever. I have to go pick up our housemate from his family get together later, but I don't know when, so I don't know when to start making muffins. Hopefully he doesn't stay too long. I don't want to go get him at all. Better than having him borrow my car though, which he originally wanted. I only have 1 year left to pay on my car, and after that if the car lasts at least another year or two I can start digging myself out of my massive credit card debt since I won't have car payments any more. Practically my whole future depends upon this. I wanna get out of debt before I have a kid. I can't see any other way out of debt if the car dies and I have to get a new one. I have massive debt. Seriously massive. I'm not talking, oh, that's big. No. Seriously. Massive. So having a kid depends on being out of debt, being out of debt depends on my car lasting, and putting unnecessary mileage on the car shortens the car's life. Arron does not understand this apparently. Even though I've told him. He used to hang out with his family all the time and they would come get him, because his car is extremely bad and might not make it. But recently every time he wants to go somewhere he wants me to take him or wants to borrow my car. I'm not sure if he's covered on my insurance, and regardless of that, he's had 2 accidents in his own car within the past year and a half or so. I don't know if he's covered, 2 accidents, I don't want to waste my day driving him around, unnecessary mileage, whole future riding on the car not dying.... I DON"T WANT HIM USING MY CAR FOR FUN!! If he wanted to go see his dad in the hospital or something, yeah, ok, understandable. But I don't even take my car out for fun myself but once in a blue moon, and generally not half an hour away. Why should he feel he's entitled to? He has helped us get through some hard times financially, but we enable him to have a place to live away from his family, he doesn't have to do any chores or cooking here, I make his dinner for him... I figure it's about a fair trade, especially since money doesn't seem to mean much to him. I made it very clear to him that I was not comfortable with him using my car, but he kept giving me a hard time about it. Which makes me mad. Asking for a favor and then continuing to practically demand it even after the person makes it clear they're not really ok with the situation? What is that about? He is really a very nice, generous person, but under these circumstances I am not happy with him at all. I'm sure if I asked to borrow his car, even to take it to Columbus, which would surely kill it, he'd let me. But he doesn't have debt, or a wife, or want kids as far as I know, he pretty much has no commitments financially and if he lost his job he could just go back to his dad's. So yeah...there's my little vent about Arron and my car.. & I promise I will try to make the next post happier and not so angry.

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