Sunday, August 28, 2011

Unconditional love

I may or may not have blogged about this before; I can't remember & am not reading through to find out.  Sorry if it's a repeat.  Topic: unconditional love.  Does it exist?  I love my husband, but that doesn't mean that if he cheated on me I wouldn't leave him.  I'd go, and I'd be heart-broken, and I'd still be in love with him for a while, but I'd probably get over it eventually, just like everyone else who has a love that ends or their partner dies or something, even though it seems impossible to me now, I surely would have to stop loving him at some point and move on, yes?  (& by the way, I don't mean for this to sound like I don't love him, because I really do, this is all philosophical discussion)  So.  That would mean that my love for him is conditional upon his being faithful to me.  Does this mean I don't love him unconditionally?  I'd say that it does.  But to be an unconditional love in the truest sense, I'd have to be the kind of person who would take him back after an infidelity, which I would not.  Or be ok with someone abusing you physically or mentally.  And I don't think anyone with real self-respect would.  So I guess to love someone unconditionally you'd have to have so little self-respect that you'd let the person walk all over you and still you'd fawn all over them, right?  Why would I want to be like that?  I know there are people who are like that, so I guess maybe unconditional love does actually exist, but, I don't know, perhaps it is just not something that I am willing to do?  Does that mean that my love for Jessy is any less valid than this "unconditional" love that I, personally, would consider sort of insane?  When people say that they love someone unconditionally, are they thinking on a large scale like these sorts of circumstances, or do they just mean things like, "I'd love you even if you had an accident and became horribly disfigured," or "I'd love you even if we couldn't be together all the time,"  or "I'd love you even if you were going through hard times, or became brain dead, or developed some kind of neurosis or disgusting rash"?  I totally love my husband like that, but I still don't think that truly counts as "unconditional,"  because there are still certain things that could make me stop loving him, as a-fore-mentioned.  Anybody wanna pipe in with an opinion on any of this?


  1. When I think of unconditional love, I think of a love between a parent and a child. Parents love their children because they are their children. Parents may not always love what their children do but who they are. Sort of a love the sinner hate the sin type of thing.

  2. yeah, I think it exists between a parent and child too.
