Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Politics and Ten Foot Poles

I don't know how anybody can be a politician or anything resembling it, or why they would want to be in the first place.  I think folks think that you'd have the power to make big changes and make everything better, but from what I've seen and heard, it's just not that simple.  And even though you start out on a save the world, improve life, etc wave, things just get mucked up because people can't agree on anything and nobody has enough power to change anything without having a thousand other people agree and filling out a book's worth of paperwork in triplicate.  And it seems like most people are not willing to even consider other viewpoints, it's just, "I am right, you are wrong, end of story." 
Our town started a facebook page, run by somebody in the city building.  I thought it was a cool idea, and that they'd have posts about the good things in town, past & present, and up-coming events, opportunities, good news, etc.  But the people that were friended turned it into something else.  It got nasty.  Everybody complaining, pointing fingers, attacking and arguing.  So many people saying, "Somebody should do something about ____" and "Nobody cares about _____."  Eventually the city shut down the page, I'm not sure why, cuz I didn't read the article in the newspaper about it.  Now there's a Bellaire Underground page.  lol  Run by some anonymous person.  And people are still being nasty on his page.  Today he had posts up about spending the day trying to find a solution to the fact that there are so many wild cats in town.  He was talking about no-kill shelters and things like that, and he was offering to trap them himself, drive them to the shelters, and help pay for the shelter to take them.  Then he made a joke about just playing a certain radio station over a PA system and that would kill all the cats.  And people practically crucified him!  I mean, seriously, what is wrong with people?  It was the same people who had commented on his posts about no-kill shelters, so obviously they knew he didn't actually want to kill any cats by radio or any other means, and as if it would even be possible to kill cats by playing a radio station!!!  Come on!  But I think this is just an example of how impossible it is to be in a position of public leadership.  People are falling all over themselves just to attack you over stupid stuff when they should probably be helping you. 

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