Saturday, August 13, 2011


I am quite happy right now, because of one thing.  And when I tell you what it is and why, you're gonna think I'm really really really weird.  I have eyelashes!!  lol  Ok, so quite often I feel like there is something in my eye, so I rub it, and it still feels like something is there, so without even thinking about it I tug on my eyelashes, I guess in case there's something caught in them and hanging down into my eye, I dunno.  I also have a theory that I am more likely to do this when I am stressed and/or tired.  Anyway, the upshot is that I end up tugging out most of my eyelashes, and I then have bald eyes.  lol  My lashes are not as plentiful as some people's, like Jessy's, he has tons and tons and they are thick and long.  Mine are individually thicker than his, but there are fewer of them.  I am very jealous of his lashes.  So anyway, I spend a lot of time with makeup trying to cover the fact that I often have extremely few lashes, and when I tell people, even people that I'm with every day, that I have this problem, they look at me like I'm nuts, then lean in and examine, and usually say something like "Holy shit!  I never noticed that!"  LOL.  So at least people aren't looking at me like I'm a freak all the time I guess, but I still desperately wish for long, full, dark lashes.  I even tried wearing fake lashes a few different times, but they always look really unnatural.  But I am happy at the moment, because I've been making a very conscious effort to let them be, and they seem to be growing back in pretty nicely.  They're still sub-par to many of my friends, and my husband (grr!), but they're decent.  It's really hard to keep from yankin' em back out though!  Surprisingly hard.  I guess like breaking a bad habit, like nail biting, or possibly even smoking.  Ok, maybe not smoking.  So, yeah, weirdest bad habit ever!

1 comment:

  1. What is it with guys and really nice eyelashes?! My husband has incredibly full and long eyelashes. I have very thin and blonde ones (you can't even tell I have them half the time!).
