Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Jessy's Family Values

Jessy's family (Dad, Step-Mom, and Step-brother, plus a half sister who I don't see very often) are extremely nice people.  They'd give ya the shirt off their back if you needed it.  Which I admire, because sadly I am not really like that.  I'm very selfish.  That's another story though.  Anyhoo.  They're the kind of family that's very dependent on each other, they do lots of things for each other and if one of them gets something they share it with everyone else.  Now, this is a very nice way to be.'s not the way I grew up.  And while I have benefited from it on many many many occasions, I have trouble thinking like them, and sometimes get annoyed when they expect things from me.  My family is a family of loners, basically.  We do our own thing, individually.  We're self-sufficient and self-reliant, and I, personally am proud of it.  We don't ask each other to bring us stuff from the other room.  We don't ask each other for money unless it's an absolute necessity, and of course for the times that I have had to ask it was ALWAYS given, but ya don't abuse the fact that you know they'll do whatever you need.  We do things for each other, but it's always offered by the do-er, not asked by the recipient, and the recipient usually politely refuses to trouble the giver until the giver insists.  And in my family it is perfectly acceptable for someone to get something and not share it, like when Joe & I were kids and got allowances, if Joe spent his money on a new toy and then later I decided to spend mine to buy potato chips or Burger King, I was in no way expected to provide the same treat for him.  He had every opportunity to buy the same thing as me, but he chose not to.  Nobody would expect him to have bought me a toy when he bought his.  But in Jessy's family if it's food, you gotta buy for everyone regardless of anything.  Arik used his money on cool new shoes and Jessy wanted to get Dairy Queen?  Jessy's gotta buy Dairy Queen for himself, Arik, and everybody else who will be at the house, or he better not come home with it at all.  At my house my stuff was my stuff, my brother's stuff was his stuff, and we didn't mess with each other's stuff.  If we did, and something ended up broken, either the breaker was expected to buy a new one, or if they couldn't afford it my parents usually helped out to get a new one.  At Jessy's house you HAVE to share everything.  If somebody wants to play your game you gotta let them, if they wanna use some of your hair spray you gotta let em, if they wanna eat your ice cream, you gotta let em.  And if something gets broken, well, sorry bout yer luck.  Which in some ways I guess, made their family less materialistic than I am, since everything was easy come easy go, they never get attached to possessions.  I think there have been some times when his family and I have offended each other because we just don't think alike.  This doesn't seem to transfer into my relationship with Jessy though, cuz we don't have any awkwardness at all between the two of us about whose food is whose and whose stuff is whose, or who asked who to do what for them.  I guess that's all I gots to say, although I wanna make clear that I don't think there's anything wrong with the way Jessy's family works, and in a lot of ways it may be better than the way mine does, it's just that it's not what I'm used to and not the way I work.   

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