Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I just posted on facebook that I'm not sure sometimes whether I'm more annoyed by an annoying thing happening, or folks endlessly complaining about the annoying thing that happened.  And then I realized I'd just read my friend's blog about things that annoy her, and I in no way meant that her blog was annoying!  I thought it was pretty funny, actually.  So I commented on the post to say it had nothing to do with her, but then everybody else started commenting and now ya can't see my little "Not you!" note unless you click to see all the comments.  :(  And my co-worker commented back about something we were discussing along these lines earlier, which attracted the attention of my boss, who is friends with both of us, and then I was worried that SHE'd be offended cuz she has complained about the same thing I was complaining about some other co-workers complaining about, but I really didn't mean HER either!  I was mostly thinking about 2 women at work who can go on and on and on, and one will often be complaining before she's even gotten out of her car in the morning and not stop until the shift is over.  That and the whole people complaining about stuff on the Bellaire facebook page which I talked about in a previous blog.  So now I'm all worried that my friend and my boss think I'm just trying to placate them by telling them I'm not annoyed by their complaining, but it really is true that I wasn't annoyed by them at all!  I think it has to do with the way a person complains and the volume of complaining.  If all anybody ever has to say is negative stuff then it's not very pleasant to be around them for any length of time.  And I think there has to be a give and take in it too, like, I listen to you complain, then you listen to me for an equal time.  Not one person going on for a straight hour without taking a breath between sentences, and moving from one topic of complaint straight into another.  A few of the girls I work with will even complain in this manner to customers while they are helping them, which I find ridiculous and inappropriate.  But anyway, if any of the people I was referring to were on facebook (in my co-workers' cases) or my friends (in the Bellaire page's case) I never would have said anything about it.  And I hope people believe that when I say, "I didn't mean you,"  I really mean that I didn't mean them, cuz I didn't.  I just didn't have enough common sense to think ahead and think that some unintended targets might think I was aiming at them!

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