Sunday, August 21, 2011

Think it through dummy!

So, recently somebody asked me why we have cookouts in the summer.  Why do we want to stand over hot flames in temperatures that are already in the 80's and 90's?  Why not do this in the winter when it will keep you warm?  And I was like, yeah, why is this?  Seems weird.  So now, like a month later, it has dawned on me.  Yes, now, with air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter, it doesn't make sense any more.  BUT back in the day you'd wanna cook outside in the summer so it doesn't heat up your house any more, and in the winter you'd wanna cook inside to help keep it warm.  I are idiot.  I suppose even now in the summer it makes your air conditioning work even harder if you cook inside.  You'd think I'd have figured this out sooner, since I grew up in a house very much devoid of air conditioning. 

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