Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Heat Is On

I keep finding more and more aches and pains that can be cured or assuaged with heat.  Leg cramps, back aches, menstrual cramps.  So I'm starting to wonder if I'd be pain free if I moved to, say, Florida.  I could live close to Disney World.  Sure there are gators and the odd python, fire ants I think, and I'm betting more mosquitoes,  ....and no snow  :( .  Not that I'm a huge fan of snow now that I'm grown up, cuz it's scary to drive in and scary to walk on icy sidewalks and all, but I think if I never saw snow for years on end I'd really miss it.  And I don't know that I'd be ok with raising a kid somewhere that it doesn't snow.  They'd miss so much!  No snowmen, snowball fights, sledding, snow days, ski jackets and hot chocolate.  So sad.  But is it a fair trade for less pain and being close to Disney?   ...ya know, I bet there'd be lots of air conditioning anyway, and that's why I'm cold today in Ohio, so would it be any better?  Probably not.  Least I don't live in the arctic, or Canada, or Maine.  

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