Sunday, August 28, 2011

philosophy for one

I'm slightly frustrated right now because I am in a pondering sort of mood, the kind where you wanna discuss philosophy with someone.  It's kinda like somebody tapped a hole in my head and all my thoughts are spilling out uncontrolled.  But nobody seems to wanna go there with me right now.  I think I'm annoying people.  One of my friends said something on facebook that got me thinkin, and I was off and running in a comment, and I don't think she wanted to get all "deep" right then.  Understandable.  There are plenty of times when I just don't have the mental energy to go off running on a topic.  I feel bad for jumping right in without testing the waters of what she was up for.  But nobody seems to be around at the moment who wants to ponder with me.  :(  Where's my mama??  Probably in bed, or at work.  She's always ready to talk. 

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