Monday, June 27, 2011


oookay. I realize I'm in dangerous territory here, cuz I don't like to get folks riled up, start fights, have people preach at me, etc. I have no intention of saying that I am absolutely correct or that everyone should believe as I do. But none-the-less, here are my thoughts, such as they are, on the subject.

I woke up the other morning & must've been dreaming something weird, cuz even though I was dead tired I was thinking about the topic of abortion. ....weird. I don't agree with the act of abortion as a general concept. If you are old enough to conceive a child I think you are old enough to think it through and use protection effectively. And if you do so there is not likely to be a reason to seek an abortion, although I admit there are circumstances where misfortune might occur, such as that .01% chance that your condom is defective, or the thing slips off, or you thought you had a great guy but as soon as he found out you were pregnant he ditched you like a broken-down car on the side of the road and you're now faced with the prospect of single mother-hood. Not good. At any rate, the one reason that I can see as the best for keeping abortion legal is rape. If a woman is raped and gets pregnant from that, I personally could not possible ask her to carry and/or raise that child if she didn't want to. To keep the kid and have a 24/7 reminder of one of the very worst experiences of your entire life is, I think, too much to ask any woman to bear. Especially if it would make her a single mom, in some ways effectively ruining her life, possibly her career, and making it much harder for her to find her own true love with a child already in tow, and all through no fault of her own. And even to carry the child and then give it up for adoption would cause huge amounts of mental damage, not to mention the physical pain, and also the uncertainty and inadequacy and abandonment that the child would feel knowing that its mother gave it up, and especially if the child knew WHY it had been given up. In my mind at least, this set of circumstances outweighs what many people consider to be murder of an innocent life. I see their point, but this is how I would feel if it happened to me, so this is what I believe in for the sake of women whom it has actually happened to, if they so chose to take this option. What seems unfortunate to me is that there is no way to make it an option to women in these extreme circumstances but not to everyone else, when the others might have just had poor judgement. As far as I know (which isn't very far!) there is no quick and easy way to prove that a woman was raped, and I understand abortions must take place within a certain window of time after fertilization occurs. So I don't know of a way to say who was raped and who wasn't, other than just taking the woman's word for it, and we all know people lie. So it would seem that abortion must remain an option for everyone if these few unfortunate women are to be spared an undeserved fate. Is it worth it in the broad scope of the universe? I don't know. I think if I was a rape victim myself I would say yes. But it's hard to tell without being in that position yourself, isn't it? I also think there is a slight argument for children being better off unborn than born to a parent who does not wan them, who would beat them or mistreat them, etc. Although I admit I feel this is a much shakier argument than the rape circumstance, because I think many people have overcome a rough childhood and gone on to become great people. So, these are my thoughts, which I do not in any way claim to be right, only my own humble opinions.

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