Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Why men should watch chic flicks

If a girl wants to watch a chic flick with her man, he should jump on the opportunity. "What?!?!" you say? lol Well, here's why:
1) He gets brownie points for watching a movie she knows is not his favorite kind just to make her happy.
2) Some optimistic part of her is probably going to hope that he is actually sensitive enough to actually LIKE this kind of thing, meaning that he might be sensitive and compassionate in his relationship with her.
3) At least with me, as long as I like the hero of a romantic movie, romantic comedy, whatever, my husband gets credit for whatever wonderful deeds the hero does for his lady in the movie. Somehow my brain goes, "aaawww look what he did for her! She is so lucky to have a man that would do that! I bet my man would do that for me if it came down to it. I have the best man ever!!" Illogical, I know. But that's how it works. So basically my husband gets full credit without actually having to DO anything except be in the room at the time.
4) As a result of the movie and the aforementioned 3 points, she is likely to feel mushy and romantic after the movie is over, leading to cuddles, kisses, and probably sex, which we all know men try so hard to get more of. This is an easy score for said man.

Important note: if the guy sits through the movie but makes a complaint, or criticizes the movie, he loses all brownie points, credit, and chances at nookie.


  1. I LOVE this post, it put a smile on my face...though I am not one for chick flicks. :)

  2. My hubby would not be happy that I posted this, but he does like some chick flicks and WILL watch them with me. :)
