Monday, June 27, 2011

You Should'ers

Sometimes I get a bit fed up with people saying "You should____." You should give to this that & the other charity. You should quit your job and devote your life to saving an animal or helping starving folks etc. You should only buy organic produce from local farmers. You should not use this product because it's bad for the environment, or destroys habitat for __insert endangered animal here___. You should only buy certified Fair Trade products. You should care about politics and research them to the best of your ability. You should write a letter to your congressman about ____. You should sign this petition to end ____. You should recycle. You should only buy products that are recyclable. You should exercise X amount of hours a week, doing this specific regamine. You shouldn't eat meat because it's cruel to animals and hard on the environment. You should shorten your showers and put bricks in your toilet tank to conserve water. You should volunteer at a soup kitchen or become a leader for a youth program. You should clean the ____ in your house every ___ days. You should change your toothbrush every month or 3 months or whatever it is. You should invest in quality clothes that fit your figure and always wear makeup and style your hair. You should have sex with your spouse this many times a week. You should eat this cuz it's good for you. You shouldn't eat this cuz it's bad for you. You shouldn't buy seafood cuz the oceans are over-fished and other animals are killed needlessly in commercial fishing nets. You should eat lots of fish cuz it has omega 3 fatty acids. AND THIS ISN"T EVEN ALL I CAN THINK OF!!!! GOOD GOD PEOPLE! I can't do all this stuff! NOBODY could do all this stuff! Not that they're not all good points and not that the people telling you this don't necessarily mean well, but GEEZ!

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