Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hot Dogs, Caffeine, & Grammar

Feeling like this is gonna be a really boring post, but what the heck, I'm gonna write anyway. Not a lot to say. I'm pretty fried mentally. Apparently I need more than 8 hours of sleep a night to be atop my game, and I've had naught but 6-8 every day for at least 3 weeks, even when I have days off for some reason. I'm turning into a caffeine junkie. Ok, not really, just 1 cup of coffee every morning, which is way way way less than a lot of people I know, but a ton for me personally. And I don't drink pop. The carbonation kind of hurts my throat and the sugar and corn syrup leave me feeling like crap. Which is ironic considering how much candy and chocolate and cake I can consume and have no adverse affects at all...except maybe an extra pound on my butt!
I'm making hot dogs, Kraft mac & cheese, and salad for dinner. Eh, not the best, but it'll do. I have a love/hate relationship with hot dogs. If I have a craving for them & they're done right (grilled is best! boiled I won't touch) they're the best food in the world, especially with coleslaw on them. But if I'm eating them because I have to, because I don't have time for anything else, or it's all we have in the house, they're the worst and I, for some reason, get really angry & resentful that I have to eat them. lol I have anger issues! I hide them well, cuz I don't want people to think I'm a bitch, but they're there! Just ask my mom or my husband. The poor souls. They're the two people I love most in the world, and because of that they have to put up with my temper minus the glossy finish and choke hold I put on it for other people. Wrong of me, yes, but I know they won't hate me for letting go.
I'm really annoyed with myself for all the grammar and spelling errors I've found when reading over these posts a second time. I was always great with grammar and spelling in school, so why am I making all these stupid mistakes now and not catching them before I hit post? Maybe my mind is moving too fast for my fingers to keep up with. Or maybe my mind if moving too fast for my mind to keep up with. lol As if that made sense. I've also noticed that I don't break things into paragraphs, and often use sentence fragments. Which I guess is because that's more how I talk out loud, which is what this is after all, me talking to myself.
I love Bacos. What is the point of salad without them? Bacos, croutons & dressing are the best part of salad, bread and condiments are the best part of a sandwich. I've been known to complain there's too much meat on a sandwich & not enough bread or mayo. My husband thinks I'm insane. He'll just eat a pile of lunch meat sans anything else if given the chance.
Well, I think I've run out of things to chat to myself about, so see ya later all you lovely people who cared enough to look into my mind & read this!


  1. This post was totally random and pretty awesome!! I'm with you on the bread thing...I love it...lunch meat..not so much

  2. I didn't see any grammar or spelling errors in your previous posts? I didn't notice them anyway. I do it too so don't worry. I think because you write aloud it is so easy to read, just like having a conversation so yeah, I don't notice them either :-)

    Oh my, I am SO with you on hot dogs. When we had them as children they were always boiled and they would make me feel sick. Then I got a hot dog at a football (soccer) match and I was like, hmn, interesting. Then I got one in Central Park and oh my! Delicious. I put ketchup and mustard on mine so it is really a ketchup and mayo dog.

    What is Bacos? I am sure I would agree with you on that too but I am with your husband on bread. Not a fan :-(

  3. I used to eat frozen hotdogs right out of the package from the freezer as a kid. eeeeewwww.

    Bacos are ....well, they're soy, really, shaped into little crunchy bits, artificially flavored, and dyed red to look like crumbled bacon. And described as such they sound weird and gross, but they are salty and good!
