Monday, September 26, 2011

Talking behind people's backs

So, during a convo with my dear mother earlier, I have come to the conclusion that: I am annoyed by all my friends on facebook who keep complaining about people talking about them behind their backs.  Firstly, if this really happens all the time and the person obviously doesn't like you then, you know, that sucks but move on and just don't be friends with that person any more.  If they are your enemy anyway then just ignore them or something...I don't know, I'm not sure that I have any real enemies.  But if they are people that you are close to, this thought occurred to us: Sometimes people who love you complain about you to their other friends or family members BECAUSE they care about you so much.  Perhaps you have done something that they find annoying, but not annoying enough to want to make a big stink about it to you or hurt your feelings over it.  They just need to vent a little and then carry on with loving you.  If you have found out about what they said then obviously they have made a poor choice of who it was that they vented to, and it is extremely unfortunate that you are now hurt by something that they said to someone else and not to you for the very purpose of not hurting you. (run-on sentence alert!)  But, I would venture to say that most if not all of us vent to a trusted friend about things like this from time to time, so maybe you should remember that you yourself may have done the very same thing in the past, and I personally don't feel that makes any of us horrible people, just humans. 

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