Sunday, October 2, 2011

Breast Cancer

So, not that I'm opposed to people donating to or buying products that donate to breast cancer awareness, but it kind of bothers me that this is ALL you see anywhere you go any more.  I mean, breast cancer, yes, very serious thing, very sad, deserving of research funds etc.  No argument.  Although I do wonder is "breast cancer awareness" the same thing as research to develop a cure, or are they just pumping more pink ribbon products onto the market, turning it into a business, and it's not a lie because the more stuff they put on the market the more "aware" people are of the whole thing, but is it really helping save anybody's breasts?  I dunno.  Anyway.  My real issue is that they are the only ones out there.  There are other cancers that have their own colored ribbons, like lung cancer, heart disease has one I think, and just, I dunno, I know there are lots more out there, but you never hear about them, because everything is breast cancer breast cancer breast cancer.  Leukemia?  Lymphoma? Colon cancer?  Bone Cancer, Brain Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Skin Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, .... and for that matter, what about Diabetes, Chron's Disease, Cerebral Palsy,   etc etc?  Are any of them plastered on everything from sewing baskets to Pepsi cans?  um, no.  Like I said, I'm not arguing that breast cancer is not a legitimate cause, cuz it completely is, but why has it turned into a billion dollar "industry" almost, while other cancers get so much less attention?

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