Monday, June 11, 2012

Work vent

Been in a crappy mood the last couple weeks.  Right now I'm thinking of like 9,000 things to talk about, and I'm not sure where to start or how to organize everything so my posts aren't a mile long.  Let's see... how bout work?  Ok.  So my boss went on vacation last week, and she's had to spend a lot of days at the Steubenville store because they just lost their manager and have no idea what they are doing.  Our district manager's husband has colon trouble of a life-endangering nature, and so she's been all worked up lately.  Our OTL (I don't know what that stands for, but she's basically the only person at our store who has a clue, cares, and gets stuff done) her husband had triple bypass surgery and she's been out for a while.  So yeah, Angie (boss), Liz (OTL), and (I like to flatter myself) me, are the 3 movers and shakers who really get the most done and know the rules and what needs to happen.  And they both left me.  lol  I gotta say it hasn't been as bad as I was expecting, and definitely not as frustrating as it's been in the past under similar circumstances, but still, it's not fun.  I've been working my tail off, and I feel like the stuff that I'm immediately responsible for has been getting handled well, which is awesome.  And the other girls haven't been doing too badly on the whole, but it is frustrating to work with them sometimes.  Some of them are SO unorganized, and they can't remember how to do things half the time.  Usually I just try to ignore it and do my own thing, but it's annoying when I can't do what I need because I have to watch the floor while they finish up paperwork, or I have to pick up a plan-o-gram or a sale set when someone else started it, because it's like stepping into chaos.  It seems like they just don't think in an organized way, so everything they do is unorganized.  Things get left half done, and I dunno, stuff like, instead of pulling all the clearance, marking it and taking it to the clearance section before they start to set a plan-o-gram, they'll pile it all in a cart or basket and end up running out of time and leaving it for someone else to deal with.  When they do sale set they don't have just a "done" and "not done" pile, they have 60 piles of signs, and so when I step in to help I'm like, ok what's been done here? And they're not even sure themselves half the time.  Why are we checking the same things twice instead of just having 2 piles & no confusion??  So ok, this post was basically just a vent for me, and I'm sure nobody's thinking, "wow, this was fascinating!"  LOL  Oh well!

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