Monday, June 11, 2012


My dad decided he wanted to "ride a roller coaster one more time" before he DIES.  Yeah.  Like he's 90 years old or something, or has terminal cancer.  Ridiculousness. Anyway, he asked if I wanted to go to Kennywood with him, and of course I was like YEAH!  Trips with my parents are always something I jump at cuz they pay for everything and I don't have to drive my car, so it's pretty much the only way I get to go anywhere with my financial situation right now.  So me, Dad, and Joe (brother) went to Kennywood.  We stopped in Washington, PA for doughnuts at the Donut Connection.  They have these "honeydew" doughnuts which are awesome.  They're basically a cake doughnut with glaze.  Sounds plain, but lemme tell ya, completely delicious.  I drove the whole way up and back, and I gotta say it was a small nightmare.  Definitely coulda been worse, but yeah, we had to go right into Pittsburgh, and then on the way back Mapquest had the directions to Red Robin all wrong, and then there was construction and it was 1 lane going through Fort Pitt Tunnel. Drivers in Pittsburgh (or any city) are A-holes.  They drive bumper to bumper like crazy people and will not let you merge unless you about hit them with your car and just horn your way in.  I hate it.  And the streets in Pittsburgh?  It's like, I don't even know what it's like.  Nothing makes sense, and it's so easy to get lost, and every street has like 20 lanes, and it seems like usually I'm on the wrong side of those 20 lanes for the exit that I need to use!  lol  But Kennywood itself was great.  I didn't think so at first.  We went on the Jackrabbit and I was like, I just don't think i like roller coasters any more.  After the first time on the Racer I was thinking, it's not unbearable, but I'm still not loving it.  But by the end of the day I was psyched about the whole thing.  I think I just have to get desensitized to it all every time I go to an amusement park, cuz this is the way it usually is for me.  And I never get so comfortable with it that I'm willing to go on the big coasters, or ones where you go upside down and stuff.  I'm too big a chicken.  My favorite ride is not even a coaster, it's the Wave Swinger, which is a bunch of lawn chair lookin' seats hung from chains, and it lifts you up and spins you around.  I think it's great, but lots of people hate it cuz the ride looks fragile, like the chains might break and send you flying 100 feet into concrete or something.  But I'm sure if that actually happened they'd take the ride down, and at big parks like Kennywood and Cedar point they test the rides often and make sure they're maintained and safe, so I'm not worried about it.  Red Robin was awesome.  Thick burgers cooked the way you want (medium for me!) and lots of topping combinations.  I like their Blue Ribbon burger, but this time I got the Whiskey River, which is marinated in a whiskey sauce and has fried onion straws, bbq sauce, mayo, and the usual burger toppings.  SO GOOD.  I want a Red Robin in our area.  Or a Ruby Tuesday's.  I mean, I like Wendy's and all, but there is nowhere close to get a really really really good thick burger.  


  1. Red Robin is okay... we have a couple here. We also have Ruby Tuesdays (I hate them). I prefer the greasiness of 5 Guys any day, though.

  2. Never even heard of 5 Guys! I'm missing out on the greasiness!! lol
