Monday, October 3, 2011

Blah bippity blah

I have nothing to talk about.  But darned if that's gonna stop me.  lol 
Youtube.  Great for music, also great for instructional videos, particularly for crafts.  How to square up a quilt square, how to mark your machine for a true scant 1/4 inch, how to do a slip slip knit decrease stitch for knitting, how to tell when your cold process soap is at trace stage, how to do a french knot embroidery stitch?  Yeah.  It's all there.  So great.

New episodes of Destination Truth on Netflix!  WhooO!  Lots of ghosts though.  They're supposed to go after cryptids.  WTH?  Hey, lookie there, according to the great and powerful spellcheck, cryptids is not a word.  Who's in charge of updating these things?  Seriously.  You know what else isn't a word?  Saponification.  Google knows these are words.  Spellcheck sucks.

Just cut Arron's hair.  He keeps making me do this for him now and then, and it hardly ever goes really "well."  lol  I think usually it's a case of, "it's not great, but it's sure as heck Better!"  I think it came out actually really good this time, except he doesn't wanna comb it the way that I think it looks good.  *shrug*  It's his head and his hair...what'cha gonna do?  He's got brake issues on his car, btw.  He couldn't get to work this morning I guess, and he and Jessy were at each other's throats all day.  Jess complained to me for like 15 minutes.  I'll spare you the details.  lol 

I suck at recognizing people.  Saturday I was wondering why a man at the store was smiling at me from across the store, ......turned out it was my co-worker's son, whom I've met before, and he even gave me a lift to Sears (across the parking lot) to pick up my car when it was raining one day.  I had no clue.  Not the slightest flicker of recognition.  And today Jessy's uncle Tom was over to help Arron look at his car.  I didn't say hi to him cuz I thought it was somebody I'd never seen before.  Then he came back later and knocked on the door, and I told Arron his friend was here.  He said, "Who, Tom?"  Me: "I don't know who Tom is, it's your friend who was helping you with your car."  Like 10 minutes later I was like.... Tom?  Peggy's Tom?  Tom whose house I have been to several times?  Dang it!   Although, in my defense, this may stem from my acquired habit of not looking at men when they come in the store.  Ok, that's gonna take some explanation.  Here goes:
I work at JoAnn Fabrics, for those who don't know.  We sell fabrics, sewing and craft supplies.  I'd say that 85% or higher of our customers are female.  Our store-level workforce is 100% female.  Now.  If a man comes in by himself, I'll look him in the eye for more than a split second and speak directly to him and be friendly.  If he is with a woman, I talk to the woman and avoid all contact with the man. Why?  Well, I guess cuz I don't want the woman to think I am trying to flirt with her man or something.  It's sort of a recognition of her territorial rights I suppose.  Not that I'd be making moves or anything even if the guy (any guy) was completely free, but it seems like it's part of the female social workings to show that you acknowledge a woman's "turf."  And frankly, in the JoAnn's setting, it's almost always the woman that is the shopper, and the man is just the tag-along, so there's generally no point in talking to him anyway because he doesn't even know what they're there for.    Not that I'd ignore if the guy spoke to me or something, I just don't go out of my way to draw him out. 
Sometimes I feel very lucky when I see couples together at the store, because there are some men out there who seem to be all up in the woman's business about what she's doing, even though it's obviously HER project that SHE knows what she needs for it.  The man will ask if she's figured in this measurement, or if she's got enough such & such at home, or does she really need a half yard...wouldn't a quarter yard do if she just moved it like this instead, and what other colors is she thinking of putting in that quilt?  And ok, so most of them are just trying to be helpful, and at least they are showing an interest (which is nice, cuz when I proudly show off a freshly knitted sock to Jessy I get a half-hearted, "That's cool.")  But I just don't think I could stand a man being in my business all the time.  It's like how Arron always needs to know what time I'm working and what I'm doing online and he comes out to the kitchen while I'm cooking and asks me what I'm going to do next and what else is going into the stew and how long I'm going to cook it and don't I need to cut the potatoes a little smaller.  Drives me completely insane!!!  Why does he care!?  Get outta my way!  He thinks I care about every detail of his life too.  He makes millions of little announcements about everything.   When he's going to take a bath, and when he's going to bed, and when he's going to go up to his room, and when he's walking down to Circle K.  Don't care.  I think basically he's just WAY more social than Jessy and I are, and he NEEDS to talk to people and do things with people and stuff like that, in a way that Jessy and I just don't understand. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm also very bad at recognizing people. With me it's all about context. I once saw a co-worker at a bowling alley, and he started talking to me, very friendly. I basically just stared at him until he finally realized that I could not remember who he was. I felt incredibly stupid.
