Sunday, May 8, 2011


Sometimes I get really envious of women in the public eye who are extremely pretty, like Taylor Swift, for example. Tons of money, perfect skin, cute mouth, nice body, etc. Sometimes I get really down on myself, thinking I could never be like these women, no matter how hard I tried. I keep trying to remind myself that everybody has issues, like, for Taylor, she's never shown without 5lbs of eye makeup on, which makes me think maybe her eyes are too small, or imperfectly positioned on her face or something that the makeup people feel the need to try to cover up. And I bet she fought like hell with that hair before she became famous and had a hairstylist to make it gorgeous for her every day. And then there's personal issues that she might have and I'd never know. Maybe her parents weren't attentive. Maybe they were divorced, or didn't have time for her. Maybe somebody beat her. Maybe she's been sexually abused or raped in the past. Maybe guys only want to go out with her because she's famous and pretty. Maybe she's had her heart broken a lot. Maybe she got failing grades in school. Maybe she has a learning disability of some kind. I know she doesn't have a wonderful, loving husband like I have, cuz she's not married yet. Maybe she'll get married later and then end up getting a divorce. Maybe she'll become an alcoholic later in life. Maybe she has foot fungus. Do you see what I'm getting at? Even though the media makes her and her life appear perfect, ya don't know everything about her, what she's been through, what she will go through, what she struggles with, what she thinks of herself. So even though her image makes me jealous, her life could actually be much worse than mine, just in different ways. And that helps me be more content with being me.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Got 3 days in a row off somehow, so I'm hoping to catch up on some house work. Yesterday I cleaned the bedroom, today I've done laundry and dishes, but I'm still not done. The problem is that you can't do both at the same time. Stupid water pressure issues and tiny water heater tank.
It's totally amazing how many socks I have when they're all in my sock drawer instead of all over the floor.

Things that seemed like a good idea but totally aren't:

Silicone baking cups. I thought they'd be great. Better for the environment because of not throwing out so many paper liners, and it'd save me money in the long-run too. Not so. It's hard to get the cake out of them, and they are next to impossible to clean. Cake gets stuck in the little ridges and won't come out. Can't use cooking spray on them either, cuz it like bonds with the silicone and will forever after be sticky and gross.

Glass lids for pots. You can see when things are burning, or if you need to put more water in, right? Wrong. Anything you cook releases enough steam that it fogs up the glass to the point where pretty much anything could be going on in there and you'd never know.