Friday, October 5, 2012

In Defense of Men

I think men get a bad rap sometimes.  When a man holds a door open for a woman, or wants to carry something for her, I don't think it means he thinks she can't do things for herself.  I think it means he's valuing her, or showing respect.  Being a nice guy.  I don't understand why some women take offense to this stuff. 

I also don't like when women say all men are cheaters, or I've heard some male comedians say that if a guy hasn't cheated, it's only cuz he hasn't had the opportunity presented to him.  Really?  If I didn't think more of men than that then I would never have married one.  And I know there are people out there who are gonna say I'm just naive.  I think that men mostly cheat because they haven't found the right girl yet and aren't 100% in love with the one they're with, or are in a marriage that has gone down hill really bad but they don't get divorced for whatever reason. Or maybe they have some personal issues they need to deal with before they can really be with somebody.   But I don't think all men are cheaters.

I think it must be tough to be a man.  They have to worry about offending women all the time, cuz something they meant to be nice will get twisted into something sexist in the hands of many feminists.  And they have to deal with the crazy moods that a lot of us have, but they're not allowed by our culture to have moods of their own.  They're supposed to be stoic and not show much emotion and be tough guys.  Gots to be macho.  Big boys don't cry.  Now I must admit that I've found the stereotype of men turning into babies when they're sick to be true.  But I think maybe they should be allowed to be babies then, cuz the rest of their lives they're not allowed. I'm not saying I want my guy to cry all the time, but I do think it's unfair and unhealthy that men are not allowed to deal with their emotions openly the way women are.  They have to go play sports or get drunk or something.  Or maybe that's the way it is because that's the way they want it to be.  I know getting my husband to handle something emotional to him is like pulling teeth.  *shrug*

Guys get judged and measured on some stupid things, too.  There's a big fuss about women being drug down by images of perfect supermodels on tv, but it's like that for men to some extent also.  6-pack abs.  Pecs & upper arms.  Fancy cars and money.  Dick size.  Isn't this the same kind of thing as women's bra sizes, waist measurements, etc? 

I guess what I'm saying is I think there's a lot of pressure on men, and we don't give them enough credit sometimes.  However, that's not to say that there aren't times when I get totally disgusted & annoyed with things that my husband does or doesn't do that are stereotypical of men.  Not gonna pretend I've never said, "Ugh!  MEN!!"  lol  That's a whole other blog, cuz trust me, I could go on.